Harvard Kennedy School Representative Camille N. Some representatives questioned whether the Council should set requirements for event funding, including requiring that a minimum number of schools be in attendance at each event, and if retroactive funding should be permitted. “In a very philosophical sense, the Harvard One Catalyst fund’s objective is are we supporting activities, events, initiatives that really bring the student body together in some capacity,” said Council President Peter M.

While the Harvard Business School Christian Fellowship, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, and the HBS Middle East & North Africa Club all requested funds, discussion of funding applications evolved into more general discourse surrounding criteria for approval and the timeline for fulfilling those requests. The meeting began with a review of the current applications for funding through the One Harvard Catalyst Fund, which subsidizes approved graduate school events. The Harvard Graduate Council discussed the provision of financial support for events promoting cross-school interaction and the language on Harvard Extension School degrees at its meeting Monday.Įight of Harvard’s graduate and professional schools were represented at the meeting, hosted at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, with some members joining via Zoom.